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Some useful Command

apt list –installed

List the package that you have installed

dpkg -i

Install the pkg that you want


The bash alias can save your time and life. edite the file in .bash_alias

  1. alias server_name = “ssh -v -l USERNAME IP ADDRESS”
  2. alias ll = “ls -l”
  3. more …

pushd & popd

Go some dir and then you can pop back


it quickly switch the input to the begening position.

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ubuntu & win10 双系统删除 uefi

之前装了Ubuntu和windows双系统,后面不想用ubuntu了,网上大部分的卸载方法都是mbr的,但是我的是uefi,所以不适用。 自己网上查资料查了半天,后面才找到一个解决的办法。 需要的东西: U盘,容量大于等于8G easyuefi Windows 10 原版镜像 首先用easyue …

opreation system 继续阅读
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Traverse A tree

The Binary Tree traverse problem: pre-order in-order post-order Binary Tree Preorder TraversalGiven a binary tree, return the preorder traversal of i …

python 继续阅读